Mushroom picking in Veneto, Alpago and Cansiglio

The region of Alpago, with its climatic and geographical varieties, is a perfect spot for mushroom picking enthusiasts, both amateur and veterans. Theoretically, it is possible to go mushroom picking all year round in Veneto, but let’s take a closer look at all the things you need to know about mushroom picking, especially in the areas of Alpago and Cansiglio.

Overall, mushrooming picking in Alpago is a multifaceted activity, as it allows to:

  • Do light physical activity,
  • Stay in touch with nature and the forest,
  • Observe breath-taking landscapes
  • But above all, collect juicy mushrooms for risottos, salads and many other delicacies

When to pick the most mushrooms?

The best time to go mushroom picking in Veneto is usually between August and October, when the climate is mild and occasionally rainy. Days after the rain are usually the most profitable ones to find lots of mushrooms!

Obviously, if everyone went foraging for mushrooms without any rules, then mushrooms would likely disappear sooner or later. For this reason there are specific regulations to adhere to when mushroom picking.

The mushroom picking regulations aim to:

  • Protect the conservation of the natural heritage;
  • Preserve ecosystems dependent on the presence of fungi;

Alpago and Veneto mushroom picking:

In this section we will outline the discipline and rules for the collection of epigean and spontaneous mushrooms within Alpago.

Mushroom picking days:

Mushroom picking is allowed from January 1st to December 31st, on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and on all midweek public holidays.

Landowners and their family members are not subject to collection days limitations at the property.

Types of permits available for mushroom picking:

  • Daily: 6 euros, valid for one day on allowed days
  • Monthly: 30 euros and valid for thirty consecutive days from the day of issue, during the allowed days
  • Yearly: 50 euros and valid from the day of issue until December 31st on allowed days

For the collection of spontaneous epigean mushrooms within the Alpago area, you need:

  • Receipt of payment of contribution (permit) to one of the appropriate bodies [see list of bodies below].
  • Valid identity document.
  • The minimum age for issuing the title for the collection is 14 years.

Bodies allowed to issue mushroom picking permits:

  • Alpago Alpine Authority (Comunità montana dell’Alpago): this body oversees alpine activities and local regulation within the Alpago area. 
    • Office address: Piazza Papa Luciani, 7, Puos d’Alpago, BL
  • Alpago Municipality
    • Puos Office: Piazza Papa Luciani, 7, Puos d’Alpago, BL
    • Pieve Office: Via Roma, 31, Pieve d’Alpago, BL
    • Farra Office: Via Giacomo Matteotti, 2, Farra d’Alpago, BL 
  • Tambre Office: Piazza 11 Gennaio 1945, 1, Tambre d’Alpago, BL
  • Chies Office: Piazza Roma, 1, Lamosano, BL

To obtain a mushroom picking permit in Alpago you can directly visit one of the above offices, or choose one (only one) of the following options:

  • Receipt of payment on treasury current IBAN account no. IT38L0622512186100000046304 addressed to Comunità Montana dell’Alpago.
  • Payment receipt on IBAN account no. IT34A0760111900000012594321 addressed to Comunità Montana dell’Alpago.

Mushroom picking limits of Veneto:

The per capita daily collection of edible epigeal mushrooms is limited to a total of 3 kg, of which no more than 1 kg of the following species:

  • AGROCYBE AEGERITA (Pioppini mushrooms);
  • AMANITA CAESAREA (Ovoli mushrooms);
  • BOLETUS edulis group (Porcini mushrooms);
  • CALOCYBE GAMBOSA (Tricholoma Georgii) (Mushroom of St. George, Blackthorn);
  • MACROLEPIOTA PROCERA and the like (Drumstick);
  • MORCHELLA all species including the genera Mitrophora and Verpa (Morel);
  • POLYPORUS poes caprae;
  • TRICHOLOMA terreum group (morette);
  • RUSSULA VIRESCENS (greenfinch).

Mushroom picking rules:

  • Mushroom picking is prohibited at night, from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
  • The use of rakes, hooks or other means that can damage the humus layer of the soil, the fungal mycelium and the root system of the vegetation is prohibited in the collection of epigean mushrooms.
  • The voluntary destruction of fungal carpophores of any species is prohibited.
  • Mushroom pickers are required to summarily clean the mushrooms upon collection and to store and transport them in rigid and aerated containers designed to allow the dispersion of the spores.

NOTE: people breaking the rules or picking mushrooms without permits are subject to fines and sanctions by the local police or forest rangers.

Not only Cansiglio: areas rich in mushrooms and less known in Alpago

Since the Cansiglio Forest is one of the most famous places for mushroom picking in Veneto and Alpago, this also means greater competition with other mushroom pickers in search of chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and other delights of the forest.

Let’s have a quick look at suitable areas for abundant mushroom picking in Alpago:

  • The Valturcana and wooded slopes adjacent to it, for example the localities between Cornei, Malolt, Facchin, Coleta and Ziot.
  • The slopes of the mount Dolada and its wooded surrounding
  • The wooded area near San Pietro hill near the town of Valzella
  • The woods surrounding the Madonna Del Runal path above Farra d’Alpago
  • The forest part of the high Alpago, between San Martino d’Alpago and the surrounding mountains
  • The area adjacent to the western part of Lake Santa Croce uphill towards Mount Visentin.
  • and many others!

If you have any further questions or concerns about mushroom picking in Alpago and Cansiglio, do not hesitate to contact us on this page.